Remedies for Cellulite


Cellulite is a much feared cosmetic defect. There are many women who fight against this imperfection every day, with a wide age gap on the part of those affected. In fact, the phenomenon can also affect very young women, as well as more mature women.

Also for this reason, the cosmetics market has always offered specific solutions to solve this problem, such as CremaFIT treatments, designed to be used in conjunction with physical activity.
But what is cellulite? How is it prevented and how is it fought?

Definition of Cellulite

Let’s go into the subject but, first of all, let’s try to define it: cellulite is a blemish that should be more correctly defined as liposclerosis or dermo-hypodermosis. It is a pathological modification of the microcirculatory system.

Cellulite occurs in some peculiar points of the female body: the hips, abdomen, buttocks, thighs and the inside of the knee; the calf and ankle can also be affected. To fight it, before it reaches its final stage, defined as sclerotic, it is necessary to improve circulation and drain excess toxins.

Fig. 1 - Cellulite pathology
Fig. 1 – Cellulite pathology


What is Cellulite

Cellulite is a form of intensive growth of adipose fat cells; their main function is to accumulate fat, and then transfer it to the body in case of need. Sometimes dysfunctions are activated and these cells stop donating the stored material to the body. Thus they begin to collect substances without a prior selection: fat, liquids, toxins and various waste produced by our body accumulate indistinctly.

Then exactly what happens to people with an uncontrollable appetite happens: the cells get fat. As a final result, they swell out of proportion and begin to stand out from the skin tissue.

The skin loses its elasticity, becomes covered with swellings and small dimples, begins to resemble the infamous orange peel. The changes start from the subcutaneous layer as a result of an incorrect distribution of water, fat and metabolic products. However, cellulite can be genetically inherited or even appear due to hormonal disorders.

The spread of "Orange Peel" skin

Diagnosing the presence of cellulite on your body is easy and does not require specialist visits: the areas affected by liposclerosis present with an irregular compactness of the skin, with protrusions and depressions of the skin tissue, irregular color, abnormal and discontinuous tan.

If, by pressing on the affected area, painful sensations are felt, it means that the cellulite has also affected the nerve cells and excess water accumulates in the affected area, leading to swelling.

Depending on the position where it is located, a specific way of treating the “orange peel” is evaluated. Although cellulite can affect several areas at the same time, the most affected are:

  • In the area of ​​the thighs and buttocks – in almost 96% of women with impaired metabolism.
  • In half of the cases in the abdomen and knees.
  • More rarely on the arms.
Fig. 2 - Cellulite pathology
Fig. 2 – Cellulite pathology

Cellulite, a matter for women...

Signs of liposclerosis are found in 75% of girls between the ages of 20 and 35. After reaching 40, cellulite outbreaks appear in 95% of women. Women are also at risk during hormone surges (for example, after childbirth or during menopause).

Men rarely suffer from cellulite (less than 10% over the age of 40) due to the presence of a significant amount of collagen in the body, a much more developed muscular system and a significantly higher skin thickness.

We can ask ourselves what leads to the formation of this imperfection but we can say with certainty that, contrary to what is commonly thought, it does not always coincide with overweight. In fact, cellulite pervades the legs even of girls with lean and dry physique and, therefore, the extra pounds can be a contributing cause but not the main reason for its formation.


But are there any behaviors that can facilitate their formation? Surely smoking, the wrong diet, the lack of water in the body and a completely sedentary life will significantly increase the possibility of being faced with the appearance of the “orange peel”.

By examining the problem even further, we complete the list of the main causes of the appearance of this devious enemy:

  • Hormonal and mood swings in women, imbalances in the endocrine system.
  • Bad eating habits.
  • The absence of physical activity.
  • The presence of addictions.

Wrong behaviors:

Hormonal and mood swings

Imbalances in the endocrine system

Bad eating habits

Absence of physical activity

Presence of addictions

The best allies in the fight against cellulite:

Physical activity: Improves metabolism and helps burn excess fat. Exercises for the legs and buttocks, as well as cardio exercises, are particularly useful in the fight against cellulite, to tone the muscles and firm the skin.

Drink lots of water: The more fluids a person consumes, the faster their body gets rid of excess toxins. Water is an excellent purifier for the body.

Giving up bad habits: It is much more difficult for alcohol and cigarette lovers to get rid of the ‘orange peel’. If you are serious about fighting cellulite, this can be a good opportunity to eliminate addictions and harmful behaviors.

Fig. 3 - Cellulite Pathology Before and After
Fig. 3 – Cellulite Pathology Before and After


Healing baths: The anti-cellulite program should include baths with various essential oils, sea salt, seaweed extracts, mud. Lavender, sandalwood, thyme, juniper, citrus oils are perfect.

Avoid saturated fats: Foods that include saturated fats worsen the pathological condition of cellulite. Eating foods with saturated solid fats contributes to blockage of blood vessels and the accumulation of new fat cells.

Serenity and calm: No agitation and nervousness, stress alters metabolic processes and is one of the reasons for the appearance of cellulite.

The massage: It is useful to massage the problem areas every day. By acting on the problem both from the outside and from the inside, the desired result is achieved more quickly.

Fig. 4 - Cellulite pathology Physical activity
Fig. 4 – Cellulite pathology Physical activity


The diet to eradicate cellulite:

  • Varied and balanced balanced diet :

    • Eat fruits, vegetables and proteins. Increase the frequency of intake of foods rich in potassium and magnesium (nuts, wheat bran, rice, soybeans, sunflower seeds). These foods not only help eliminate cellulite but improve the health of the whole body.
    • Avoid fried and fatty foods, sauces, fast foods.
    • Decrease the use of salt.
    • Exclude any sweets that lead to the accumulation of body fat from the diet.
    • Limit the use of products containing caffeine.
Fig. 5 - Cellulite Pathology Final Result
Fig. 5 – Cellulite Pathology Final Result


Cellulite can be defeated

In conclusion

Although the “orange peel” appears silently on the body of many women, you must never give up and lay down your weapons. Making your body shine again is possible, just follow a few simple rules. You will have immediate benefits on your physical appearance and the general well-being of your body.

And to attack cellulite with even more determination, we recommend CremaFIT products specifically designed to combat fatty deposits. Increase the benefits of your efforts too …

Your skin also deserves the benefits of CremaFIT products

CremaFIT products that fight cellulite.

CremaFIT products were created to increase the benefits of physical activity and to combat the formation of cellulite.
You can use CremaFIT Anti-Cell with “HOT & TONED” system that warms the muscles allowing easier penetration of anti-cellulite agents. Or in the “aggressive” treatment together with the cold effect draining cream, for maximum results.

Body Treatmens

CremaFIT Anti-Cellulite Treatment 300ml (10 fl oz)

Body Cream

CremaFIT Anti-Cell Cream 150ml (5oz)